Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cab Repair - Passenger front corner

When I originally bought my this truck this section seemed OK. Until I took a deeper look and realized that the previous owner had filled about 1/2 inch of bondo towards the bottom. I also noticed that the previous owner had filled the louvers with body filler as well.

I started by purchasing a replacement piece from Mid Fifty F-100. I then cut out the old piece and tack welded this piece in. After aligning everything I noticed that the door was pinched towards the bottom. To fix this I cut a 1 foot relief cut to weld back so that the door fits perfect all around.

The lower part of the door pillar was completely rotted through. I replaced this previously and currently do not have the pictures for this. I will update this when I get back to Kentucky and have access to those images. The above picture shows how I tack welded the entire piece in.

This is a finished shot of the top part of the corner welded in. I did not keep the seam that is there from factory. I will do the same thing on the driver side.

To finish this I will grind down the tack welds and use a small amount of body filler to smooth the section out.

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